Physical Education
At Highfield we believe that physical education is central to the confidence and well-being of our students. Our aim is to provide our pupils with the full range of primary games skills (as stated in the National Curriculum), as well as a firm understanding of sporting values as they progress through the school. PE lessons can be cross curricular, with elements of maths, science and geography being incorporated into the children’s learning. Class based lessons are also punctuated with active starters, movement breaks and ‘Fit in 15’ runs. Our next exciting venture is to blend history and dance with an aim to fully immerse the children into the era they are studying. Whether the session is pure PE or cross curricular, our children are encouraged to embrace physical activity as an essential part of their daily lives.
Our Plan for PE
At Highfield, children in all year groups are taught PE twice a week. We follow the Enfield Borough progression of skills and aim to instil in our students a lifelong love of physical activity. Each year group is taught by a specialist coach for at least one term of lessons. (Our curriculum has been temporarily adapted to ensure equipment is not contaminated during the pandemic. Equipment is allocated to each class on a half termly basis. The progression of skills remains the same.)
Click here to view Highfield’s Long Term Plan for P.E.
Fit in 15
Since October 2018 KS2 have been taking part in Fit in 15, three times a week. The children run round our blue line running track for 15 minutes which equates to more or less a mile each time. Highfield has been involved in several initiatives linked to the London Marathon through Fit in 15 or The Daily Mile. In the summer term KS2 all ran around an extended track to celebrate Daily Mile Day and we have completed The London Loop, a further challenge set by The London Marathon. In October 2019 KS1 joined in with Fit in 15 and the children have taken to the challenge fantastically. Throughout the pandemic Highfield has ensured that our pupils regularly run for 15 minutes.
Every year our Year 5s attend a term and a half of swimming lessons at a local pool. They begin with a school-based water safety talk and then progress through the initial swimming awards. Many children who begin as non-swimmers, finish the scheme with the amazing achievement of swimming a width. Reach rescue techniques for open water are also part of this essential life skill training. Confident swimmers are challenged with further lifesaving skills and scenarios.
Sports leaders/Team captains
Team captains play a vital role in motivating sport and physical activity in our school. The Year 5 and 6 captains and deputy captains of each team (green, red, yellow and blue) lead sports assemblies and organise activities for the younger years. They have helped set up Fit in 15 for Y1 and Y2 and they help to organise sport days and maintain equipment. Each KS2 class has its own sports leader who is responsible for a variety of sport related activities e.g. recording the class runs and setting up equipment for PE lessons. Well done Team Captains and Sports Leaders, you do a fantastic job.
After school and lunchtime clubs
Highfield has a range of lunchtime and after school sports enrichment. Through our extra-curricular clubs, we aim to inspire our children to try new games skills and provide opportunities for excellence and competition for all students.
Cross country
Members of this club, from Years 4, 5 and 6, train weekly on our field – in all weather conditions! As well as fun warmups, long individual, partner and team runs, the group take part in Enfield Borough events. Year 5 and 6 children run in the Forty Hall cross country events and our Year 4s will take part at the Lee Valley event for the first time in March 2020. We have achieved excellent placings in these events, and for 2 years runners from Highfield have gone on to participate in the London Youth games.
Highfield is a creative school with two excellent dance clubs. The first one focusses on the younger students, learning amazing moves and excellent routines to a variety of music types. The second club, run by Mrs Stoughton, is for Y5 and 6 dancers, and leads to a performance at The Millfield Dance Festival. Year upon year Highfield’s routine is slick, skilful and high-energy fun!
Both of Highfield’s football teams train weekly with our sports coach. The Boys’ team plays in the Enfield Borough Best Football league at Edmonton County and the Girls’ team enters the tournament at the same venue. The children are committed to their teams and have played skilfully in matches, using learnt tactics, and showing great sporting attitudes. Well done!
Our Mixed Netball team trains weekly with Miss Cadogan. The children learn games skills and tactics to compete in the Enfield Borough Netball league which takes place at Highfield. The team is going from strength to strength, and each year the older children pass on their knowledge and understanding of the game to the next generation! Excellent teamwork!
Handball is taught by Mrs F Fernadez twice a week during lunchtimes. The game is fast and exciting, and children develop an excellent understanding of the rules. Our teams play against a neighbouring school, also coached by Mrs Fernadez, and these matches are thrilling! Great commitment handballers!
Tag Rugby
We have introduced Tag rugby which has become popular to all children in KS2. The club is run by Miss Cadogan on Thursdays. This skill and understanding of the game goes to tournaments and competition. Tag rugby is a great game for boys and girls to have fun and learn a new sport.
Our PE coach Miss Cadogan runs a very popular gymnastics club for Y1 before school on Tuesdays. The children learn several different ways of moving around a mat whilst incorporating a balance and a vault. Each term, a fresh group of children attend the club therefore giving as many of our younger students the chance to take part, as possible. We also have a year 6 team where they go and compete in a competition having to learn a floor routine and a vault jump.
Y4 and Y5 children are taught the skills of bike riding and road safety.
Highfield takes part in the Enfield Borough league for this Paralympic sport.
Winchmore Sports Leaders
We work closely with Winchmore Secondary school. Their Sports leaders plan and lead activities for our children and they help to run our sports days.
Park Event
Each year the Enfield Borough PE team organises a Park Event where schools in the borough take part in a range of activities such as orienteering and dancing.
Every summer Years 2 – 6 are coached by our wonderful local cricket club, Winchmore Cricket club.
Sports Day
Each summer the school takes part in two fantastic days of competitive sports. All the field events of an athletics match are included plus old favourites such as the egg and spoon race and the obstacle course.
Borough Athletics
Following sports day, representatives from Years 3-6 compete against other schools at Lee Valley Athletics Centre. This is a spectacular event at a wonderfully resourced local venue.
Sports Relief
Every two years Highfield children raise money for sports relief by taking part in a range of activities. This event, whilst fun and energetic, enables our children to understand that health, movement and vitality are a privilege to be appreciated.
At Highfield, we believe that it is vital we spend our Sports Premium Funding in a way that allows us to sustain the improvements that it should undoubtedly bring. Our plans of how to use this funding link closely with the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in order to drive the school forward. In line with the OFSTED inspection handbook, we aim to ensure that. “The school’s curriculum promotes and sustains a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence”
Click here to view Highfield’s Sports Premium Funding Action Plan
Useful Links
Joe Wickes (a range of kids workouts from 5minutes to 25 minutes in length)
Cosmic Kids Yoga ( a range of yoga activities and adventures)