
Joining our Nursery and Reception classes

Nursery 2025

If your child was born between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022, you will be applying for them to start a nursery class in September 2025.

The application period starts from 1 October 2024. Applications are made online via eAdmissions. The closing date for on-time applications is 15 February 2025.

In September 2025 Highfield Nursery will be offering 30 hour and 15 hour provision, click here for more information.

Reception 2025

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you will be applying for them to start a primary school in September 2025.

Applications are made online via eAdmissions. The closing date for on-time applications is 15 January 2025.

For more information, view our Admission to primary school booklet for September 2024 (PDF, 10254.2 KB).

For more information about applying to our school, please go to the Enfield Council website:

School tours:

There are currently no more school tours scheduled.

Please remember if your child attends our Nursery you must apply for a Reception place in the same way as other applicants. There is not an automatic right to transfer from our Nursery to Reception.

Highfield Primary is able to offer 90 Reception places. We have an Early Years unit providing high quality provision for our pupils. In Enfield children begin school during the academic year in which they become 5. The academic year begins in September. Our induction procedures ensure all children receive the best possible start to their education. As part of this we offer a Taster Session, followed by a gradual start, aiming to start the children full-time over a two week period. This maybe extended depending on the children’s individual needs.

Enfield Admissions Service deals with all schools admissions. Admissions Booklets are available for parents to view online using the link below. You should  apply for your child’s Nursery or Reception place online at or directly at You can contact the admissions service on 020 8379 5501 to check whether your child is eligible for a place. In the result of our Nursery or Reception classes being oversubscribed the process used to allocate places is detailed in the Enfield school brochure and website.

Late Applications

When parents make an online application they can only submit it once and are not able to make any changes to it. If there are good reasons why they have submitted an application late these need to be confirmed in writing to the Admissions Team. No late applications can be considered on time for any reason if they are submitted late.

Mid Year Admissions

Pupils starting our school in the middle of a year will have an introductory meeting with our Admission Induction Officer.  All new children are supported to ensure they are felt welcomed and make friends easily. We will monitor their transition and ensure they are well supported through our successful systems such as class buddies.

Admission for Summer born children

The DfE have recently updated their guidance on Summer born children. This can be accessed using this link Guidance on handling admission requests for summer born children – GOV.UK ( . There is guidance for both schools and parents.

Secondary Transfer 2025

Please click on this link to access the Secondary transfer booklet which also includes open evening dates.

From the 1 September 2023, you can make your secondary transfer application online at eAdmissions.